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Date d'inscription : 24/04/2011
Age : 53
Localisation : 666 rue de l'enfer

Behexen Empty
MessageSujet: Behexen   Behexen Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 11:50

Behexen Mod_article2141094_1

est un groupe de black metal finlandais fondé en 1994 originaire de Hämeenlinna et de Tampere.

Discographie :

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Rituale Satanum (CD - 2000)

1. Intro / The Summoning
2. Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastaan
3. Night of the Blasphemy
4. Christ Forever Die
5. Towards the Father
6. Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessä
7. Baphomet's Call
8. The Flames of Blasphemer
9. Blessed Be the Darkness
10. Rituale Satanum

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By the Blessing of Satan(CD - 2004)

1. By the Blessing of Satan
2. Fist of the Satanist
3. Sieluni Saatanan Vihasta Roihuten
4. Celebration of Christ's Fall
5. Black Metal Baptism
6. Watchers of My Black Temple
7. Under the Eye of Lord

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From the Devil's Chalice (CD - 2008)

1. Canto I - Invocation of Zabulus / Canto II - Melancholic Remembrances of Dark Times
2. Canto III - From the Devil's Chalice / Canto IV - Void...
3. Canto V - Holy Foul / Canto VI - Canticle (For Ye Lord)

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My Soul for His Glory (CD - 2008)

1. Let the Horror and Chaos Come
2. Born in the Serpent of the Abyss
3. Demonic Fleshtemple
4. O.O.O.
5. Cathedral of the Ultimate Void
6. My Soul for His Glory
7. And All Believers Shall Be Damned
8. My Stigmas Bleeding Black

retrouvez les sur leur page perso : http://www.myspace.com/behexen666

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